VOTE! Primary Election August 23rd 2022
Early Voting Saturday, August 13 thru August 20, Times: 8 am – 6 pm
Take Ormond Back
For too long special interest and big money developers have owned this town.
It’s time to Take Ormond Back.
Restore Citizen Trust in Elected Officials
When I am elected I will restore citizen trust in elected officials. I will not take donations from corporations, developers, or PAC’s. I will hold regularly scheduled in-person meetings with citizens. Emails and phone messages will receive prompt and meaningful responses.
If we don’t take care of the our environment, protect our Quality of Life and improve Public Safety who will?
We are losing our forest, wetlands, water ways, green spaces and nature at an alarming pace.
Let’s stop unwise and damaging development, protect our water and our environment.
I will push to reinstate the 2009 wetland rules, environmental advisory board, and tree advisory board. Insert low impact development principles in Land Development Code, elimination of clear-cutting and floodplain fill. Replace hundreds of septic system within the city and work with Volusia and the State of Florida to find funding sources to replace polluting septic system in the city and existing developments outside the city where we already supply water service.
Quality of Life
Our Quality of Life has been threatened by overdevelopment and the added traffic and stress on our services that comes with it. We should not sell water and sewer services to Avalon Park-Daytona Beach. Do not build a second sewer plant to provide the service. Reduce Traffic by promoting bicycle paths, pedestrian trails, and alternative transportation. Stop the airport extension which will impact 37 subdivisions located within FAA Airport Hazard and Restore a municipal golf course.
Public Safety
The metropolitan area or Ormond, Daytona and Deltona ranks among the deadliest areas in the county for bicycle and pedestrian deaths. As a member of the FDOT sponsored “Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee” I am working closely with other committee members to move project forward that will help reduce these preventable deaths and make our streets safe for everyone.
We need to consider adding traffic calming devices, traffic signals, lighting, signage and other tools where accidents are high Including downtown Granada and N Nova Road.
For too many years we have been promised a quality beachside medical facility to replace the long ago closed hospital. We need to partner with a local hospital to restore a beachside medical facility or emergency room.
Tim Grigsby Campaign
1206 Overbrook Drive
Ormond Beach, FL
(386)227-6878 https://www.facebook.com/Tim.grigsby.obz1
Donate NOW
City of Ormond Beach Commission Zone Maps & Precincts as of July 21 2022
Please note: your voting zone and precinct may have changed since the last election. This is the latest from Lisa Lewis Volusia County Supervisor of Elections. https://takeormondback.com/zones-precincts-ormond-beach/
Contact Us
1206 Overbrook Drive
Ormond Beach, FL
(386)227-6878 https://www.facebook.com/Tim.grigsby.obz1